Company Info
- Website: razorpay.com
- Location: Bangalore, India
Reviewer Info
- Name: Kamlesh Chandnani
- Twitter: @kamlesh
- Process for Role: Staff Engineer Frontend
Interview Process Summary
Rounds | 5 |
Scripted Questions? | No |
Typical DS and Algo Questions? | No |
Live Coding? | No |
Rounds Description
- Exploratory Discussion: This round is mostly about the candidate knowing the company and vice-versa. This gives clear idea to candidate if they are interested in the company and also let’s the interviewer know if the candidate is interested in company’s vision and goals.
- Problem Solving: This round focusses on solving some real life problems unlike plain old DS algo round. This is some sort of a white board round where the interviewer asks some problems and the candidate needs to explain the design, flow and approach while solving the problem.
- Technical Discussion: This round is more focussed on assessing the technical skills of a candidates based on their past experience and some fundamentals of programming languages, frameworks of choices, web fundamentals, security etc.
- Managerial Round: This round is typically focussed on the candidate being assessed by the manager of a team for whom the candidate is being hired for. This typically focusses on how the candidate will contribute to the team.
- HR Round: This round focusses on the cultural fitment and compensation discussions.
- Rounds(approx) - Total number of rounds. This an approximate number. Can vary depending on what role you’re applying for.
- Scripted Questions - Describes if the company asks questions which are kind of direct bookish questions or can be easily found on internet infact on the first result page on google 😛. Example: Write a function to print first 100 fibonnaci numbers, How does event loop works, write a polyfil for X etc.
- DS and Algo - Describes if the company asks DS and algo questions which which are kind of direct bookish questions about data structure and algorithms instead of a real life problem.